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Blog | Hurricane Fit Lab

Still Doing Crunches?

Summer is right around the corner and with a few weeks left there’s still some time to loose a few pounds for that swim suit you’ve been eyeing. Whether your in the gym or at home you can always get an ab workout in, but are you working all your ab muscles? A good...

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Are You Doing a Proper Push-up?

Push-ups, they are one of the most beneficial workouts that you can do with no equipment. But not everyone is incorporating them into there exercise routine especially women. Why? Maybe because they're too hard. There are so many variations, on the wall or on your...

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Simple Effective HIIT Routine

              If you haven’t already heard HIIT is the most effective way to burn calories fast in a short amount of time. Are you one of those people who feel like they don’t have the time in the day to workout? HIIT is the best option, 20 minutes daily is all you...

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Benefits of stretching while exercising.

            Did you know in order for your muscles to grow, break down needs to occur. When exercising you cause micro tears in the muscle that the body has to repair and is the reason for delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which happens about 24-48 hours after your...

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Do Probiotics and Prebiotics Help with Weight Loss?

Loosing weight is not easy especially when you aren’t putting in the time to workout. That’s when your diet comes in to play and it’s more important than you think, everything you put into your body makes or breaks your results especially when your cheat day comes...

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Easy Overnight Oats Breakfast Recipe

Breakfast can sometimes be one of the hardest meal to get in for the day. Here’s a hearty healthy recipe packed with protein and fiber that will keep your energy levels up and going all morning long. Overnight oats is such a versatile breakfast you can really...

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Mike Tyson VS Floyd Mayweather

When you think of Floyd Mayweather or Mike Tyson, what comes to mind? Do you immediately think of strong intimidating boxers or top of the line athletes. Boxing can come across to be aggressive especially when money and marketing is involved. But it doesn’t have to be...

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Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has been known for ages to help eliminate stress and allow for a clearer mind. Who doesn’t want that? In a world where sometimes it feels like you cannot escape stress and negative energy; whether in real life or on the internet, 10 minutes is all you need...

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The Most Dangerous Fat Is the Easiest to Lose

It’s every weight loss enthusiast’s dream to zap belly fat but, far from pure vanity, there’s actually a reason why having a lot of fat in the abdominal region can be dangerous. Fat is stored all over our body, but how does an expanding waistline grow your risk for...

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Why Weight Loss and Fat Loss AREN’T THE SAME

Looking to drop that stubborn body fat and finally get that lean, chiseled body you want and deserve? ==> Start Transforming Your Body Now and get coached by me for the next 12 weeks to do it. Wait... losing weight and losing fat aren't the same thing? Yep, there's...

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Specializing in Unleashing and Maximizing Human Potential.