Start the new year with a fresh start, fresh mindset and new goals with new effort. 

Let’s leave the excuses in 2018! 

With the new year we tend to make many major goals and get frustrated when we do not reach them quick enough. Try sitting down and making SMART goals throughout the year that will propel you to your end goals. Making and reaching small goals that will lead you to your major goal is a great way to stay motivated. And when you are done with one smart goal, create another!

What are SMART goals?

S- Specific (write down the goal you want to achieve and why)

M- Measurable (How will you know you are achieving your goal? What way will you measure?)

  1. Attainable (What action are you going to take to ensure you will reach this goal?) 

R- Realistic (Make sure your goal makes sense and is realistic in order to be able to achieve it) 

T- Time (What is the timeline you are giving yourself to achieve this goal?)

An Example of a SMART goal would be…

            By the end of February, I want to lose 20 pounds to feel better and healthier while gaining confidence. I will go to the gym 3-4 time a week to do cycling classes, group exercise classes and strength training as well as making healthier eating choices.The gym is a 10-minute walking distant from my house, so I have no excuses not to go or attend classes through the week.I will weigh myself on a scale every Saturday morning and make note of the progress.       

Hurricane Fitness