Is sleep really that important?Does it matter when it comes to building muscle?My clients ask me all the time how much sleep they should be getting.Often they are stressed from work, have a hectic schedule, and find it difficult to catch some zzz’s.I tell them that one of the main factors in muscle building that is often overlooked is your sleep.When you aren’t getting enough sleep your not recovering from your workouts.Which means decreased performance, muscle growth, and fat loss.
Here are a 5 ways you can maximize your sleep gains to build more muscle, and shred body fat!
Got to Bed Early!Set an alarm on your phone for an hour before your bed time. When that alarm goes off it’s time to wind down and get ready for bed. This reverse alarm will be your trigger every night to get you to go to sleep on time and early!Follow a Sleep Ritual
People get better sleep when they have developed a sleep ritual. This means going to bed and waking up at relativity the same time everyday. So instead of staying up late all week and then sleeping in on the weekends, keep it consistent day to day. Go to bed early!! Those extra hours your morning self will thank you for. Aim for 7-9 hours each night to maximize recovery and gains!Read Before Bed
Turn off your television and devices 30 minutes to an hour before bed. Blue light will keep you awake and make it difficult to calm you mind down before sleep at night. Read some fiction before sleep, it will relax your brain and allow you to get into a story before bed. Not only that, but it physically makes your eyes tired from reading, making it easier to fall asleep!No Caffeine After 4pm
If your caffeine sensitive like me, you may even need to make this cutoff time earlier in the day. Caffeine will keep you up late at night and make it difficult to fall asleep. Cut the caffeine off before nighttime so your body has plenty of time to relax and wind down after the day.TAKE MELATONIN
If you have an irregular sleep schedule, or simply looking for a deeper/more restful sleep mealtonin may be helpful to you! Melatonin is a compound that is already released by the body that lets you start to feel sleep as it gets later in the day. So by supplementing with melatonin (3-5g before bedtime) you can have your body get sleepy and ready for bed easily. Don’t take my word for it, do some research and try it out for yourself!When are you finally going to get your body right? When is it going to be your time? Stop waiting and TAKE ACTION, before another year passes by and you’re still the same.
Talk soon,
Coach Hurricane
Instagram: @hurricanefitnessnyc
Facebook: @hurricanefitnessnyc
If you are struggling to be consistent, and need some help finally dropping body and getting the body you’ve always wanted fill out the application to see if you’re a good fit for my One-on-One Coaching